It’s been a while since I wrote anything on this blog and thought it was now time to do a little catching up.
I was so disgusted with the incompetency of Karen Wonsetler, the attorney handling the recall for us and Shirley Whitsitt, Arbitrator who should not be getting paid for work she knows nothing about.
Karen Wonsetler came on strong in the beginning of the recall giving one the impression she would follow though and do all she can to make sure everything was understood and explained so that Shirley Whitsitt can make an educated and intelligent decision.
Sadly, Ms. Wonsetler dropped the ball on more than one occasion and though she can not be blamed entirely on the negative decision, she still had an influence. Ms. Whitsitt failed to listen what was being said except for what Mr. DeHart told her. Remember, DeHart is the same guy who is the association attorney, but worked to fight the recall even though the majority of members in the community wanted this board out. He lied (no, this is not slander) by manipulating facts and Ms. Whitsitt failed at her job to verify information. Aside from all the playing DeHart did, Ms. Whitsitt failed to acknowledge state statues that would have changed the outcome of her decision had she known or chose to follow those state guidelines.
So, we lost the recall…but the best was yet to come.
In January we had our board election. JJ Carpenter mailed out letters using our funds to give his personal take on life in Broadmoor and announced he would not be running to be on the board. This letter was received just days before the election so it was a total surprise (kinda) that at the meeting before the election he nominated himself to be run once again.
To make a long story short, Mark Taliento used his 101 votes to get on the board along with those he wanted sitting next to him. No one who was elected by the community got on the board except one and he was chosen by Mark. This person did not have the highest number of votes by the community, but Mark thought it in his favor to pick this one person.
So, we lost the election….but the best was yet to come.
Thursday, April 8, 2010 was our Board/HOA meeting. Everything was going well until the last half hour or so. Our President (Buck) stood up and asked the members to agree in returning money (somewhere around $1900.00) to Mark Taliento because he paid for assessments on a home that he wanted to purchase that was in foreclosure and was assured by his attorney that was all he had to do. Now Buck is having a hard time making sense of the situation, but the bottom line was ‘attorneys’ gave Mark bad info and the bank refused to give him the home. Then, Mark tried to explain that his attorney told him one thing and our attorney (DeHart, who I suspect Mark hired in the first place for Broadmoor) was not being cooperative. Because of the failure on the attorneys and giving him ‘wrong’ information the bank turned him down. Now, this guy is smart. No one as conniving as him or as devious as him can be that stupid. After a few minutes of ‘questions’ and certainly comments by me as to why would we be responsible for ‘your’ bad business dealings, some came to the conclusion that the alleged check he gave Leland Management last year was in escrow and he should get it back. One member questioned why this check never showed up in the financials when the manager said he would look into it. However, the board was quick in dismissing any feedback from the manager and proceeded in agreeing to give Mark this money. Well, you could have knocked me over, but then again, it only explains why our community is in the red. Not once did our president ask for proof of this alleged check and I don’t mean some copy of a check that Mark likes to produce and claim it as legit. Our board owes us a fiduciary responsibility to make sure this is a legit request especially coming from someone who cost our community to lose about $30,000.00.
So, we are out more money…but it gets better
After Marks gets the ok to get ‘his’ money, he stood up and made an announcement. Picture this…Crocodile tears as one hangs his head declaring his stepping down from the board and….(I told you it was going to get better) those 101 lots are not his anymore, but the bank. He lost everything, he is a broken man. Now, I’m not happy that he is a broken man, but let’s break this down and you will see why I’m satisfied he got what he deserved.
Mark owed millions to the bank(s) and they foreclosed on all his holdings as Showcase Mobile Home Sales. The land where he sold from and everything on it is gone. The lots he owned in Broadmoor are gone.
Foreclosures take more than a couple of months and some of us knew last year he was in big financial trouble, yet he fought the recall because he wanted to retain the voting rights for 101 lots. What does that say about Mark Taliento?
Assume for one minute Mark didn’t know what was happening (duh) last year, he should have known in January at the time of the election. Once again, he voted (without paying the correct association dues) and managed to control the board. So instead of letting the people vote in whom they wanted, he played the community…just because.
I do commend him for his outstanding performance as a beaten man and I find it so ‘Mark’ to first make sure he got some money from the community saying the bank turned him down because of the misinformation from the attorneys, when in fact, they turned him down because he was to broke to give credit to!!..Sadly, some people just don’t see it and that is what he was counting on.
Back in February I sent Mark an email telling him his day was going to come. Oh, not by me, but since he made a deal with the devil I knew it was just a matter of time. Well, after Thursday’s meeting I once again wrote to Mark and explained how the devil called in his marker.
Hopefully, with the devil seed out of Broadmoor, we as a community can finally head in the right direction.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Being Intimadated by an attorney
That's exactly what is going on and the sad part is our board has no problem spending association money to pay this attorney. I found out that at one time this attorney was the good guy; someone who stood up for the members of a community whose rights were being violated. I'm not sure why he chose to change sides, but instead of him working with the majority of community members, he has chosen to defend the antics of 5 board members.
The first letter I’m posting was sent by him to those residents working on the recall. He should know about SLAPP lawsuits (ss720.304), but sent this letter to intimidate and control those that have every right to speak out against the wrongs the board is doing. As it is right now, we can not speak at meetings!! One can only question why he goes along with all this.
The second letter is one I received this past weekend. Included with his letter are 14 pages of my blog and he DID NOT highlight anything for me to change. I have no intentions of changing anything in the context of my blog and can not help if the truth bothers the board members or this attorney. Yes, I use a few adjectives, but that is MY OPINION of those involved. So unless I give false statements as to one’s character there is no defamatory statements being made.
I should note that I did remove the word ‘official’ from William’s blog info. Also, another example of what is this attorney thinking is, Perry is Linda’s last name. She is NOT married to William whose last name is Moore. Such an obvious mistake it only makes you wonder how much of what he does is being done with confusion and misinformation by board members.
Mr. DeHart is a smart attorney. So one only questions why. Is he ‘buddies’ with a board member? Does he still have ties to LeLand Management? Is it just the money that our board freely hands out? Please note, I am not accusing him of any misconduct, just wondering why he is not the same attorney who fought for homeowners rights with HOAs.
We keeping hearing how we are the land of the free, we hear how our men and women are fighting for our freedom, we have laws protecting our freedom....DeHart uses some pretty heavy words to intimade and harrass me; has something changed in our constitution that I'm not aware of? If you click on the letters, it will enlarge it for you to read
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Could this be defamatory?
This is a letter our President JJ Carpenter, mailed to all the residents of Poinciana Village 9 (using our association funds) to call those recalling the board 'Garbage Trucks'. Amazing how some people can say what they want while others are 'repremanded'. I don't like being called a garage truck, nor do I consider myself a garbage truck. However, I did consider the source and ignored it.
Also note, we never did get a newsletter from the board and here it is November.
Please ask the board what 'progress' they are referring too
Dear Neighbors, From JJ Carpenter, your board President. April - 2009
""We are moving forward. Please do not let the propaganda that fills our streets and doorways bother youj The newsletter is filled with lies,and falsehoods designed to tarnish the progress being made, and persuade readers to sign a petition to remove the board. This is yet another issue taking away valuable time from the Board. The fact is, the editors of the Newsletter no longer have the ability to force their persdnal agendas and preferences onto people through the positions they once held in this community, and they are bitter. Once again I am being falsely attacked by the same few1 people. I have learned not to take things personally. ^
You see, some people remind me of a story I once heard about
Garbage Trucks:
, The story goes like this; Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of life's disappointments. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you read the newsletter, you will see a lot of garbage dumped there, and then they take their garbage trucks and run people over. What I've learned to do when this happens is I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You see, if I did not let these Garbage Trucks run right over me, I might take their garbage and spread it to my family, my friends, people at work, and even into my responsibilities as President of our community.
Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said, "1 see Dead People." Well, "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off and run me over. But I have a Greater power within me that gives me the grace needed to endure these attacks, so I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.
I encourage you to come out and enjoy your clubhouse and your community. The intimidating factors of this community are losing their grip, and fairness and equality is being restored for ALL.
Our Community is doing well. You will soon be receiving a newsletter from the board highlighting our progress and challenges, but rest assured your board is working together. Thank you to those who continually encourage us to carry on. For those of you who pray daily, please include our community in your prayers, I know I do, everyday. God Bless you and our Community.
JJ Carpenter
President, Broadmoor of Directors
Also note, we never did get a newsletter from the board and here it is November.
Please ask the board what 'progress' they are referring too
Dear Neighbors, From JJ Carpenter, your board President. April - 2009
""We are moving forward. Please do not let the propaganda that fills our streets and doorways bother youj The newsletter is filled with lies,and falsehoods designed to tarnish the progress being made, and persuade readers to sign a petition to remove the board. This is yet another issue taking away valuable time from the Board. The fact is, the editors of the Newsletter no longer have the ability to force their persdnal agendas and preferences onto people through the positions they once held in this community, and they are bitter. Once again I am being falsely attacked by the same few1 people. I have learned not to take things personally. ^
You see, some people remind me of a story I once heard about
Garbage Trucks:
, The story goes like this; Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of life's disappointments. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you read the newsletter, you will see a lot of garbage dumped there, and then they take their garbage trucks and run people over. What I've learned to do when this happens is I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You see, if I did not let these Garbage Trucks run right over me, I might take their garbage and spread it to my family, my friends, people at work, and even into my responsibilities as President of our community.
Like in the movie "The Sixth Sense," the little boy said, "1 see Dead People." Well, "I see Garbage Trucks." I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off and run me over. But I have a Greater power within me that gives me the grace needed to endure these attacks, so I just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.
I encourage you to come out and enjoy your clubhouse and your community. The intimidating factors of this community are losing their grip, and fairness and equality is being restored for ALL.
Our Community is doing well. You will soon be receiving a newsletter from the board highlighting our progress and challenges, but rest assured your board is working together. Thank you to those who continually encourage us to carry on. For those of you who pray daily, please include our community in your prayers, I know I do, everyday. God Bless you and our Community.
JJ Carpenter
President, Broadmoor of Directors
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Same old Same old......
Yep, that's about it around here. I haven't written in a while since nothing exciting has been happening. Of course, the board is still up to their old tricks. Just the other day they had a meeting to discuss transferring money from the reserve to the main account. JJ had the nerve to say it was to pay the attorney for fees incurred because Linda Perry 'won' her lawsuit. Now, this is such a bold face lie and yet this 'Christian' says it with a straight face. The truth is, she stopped the lawsuit; no winners-no losers. What the board is doing is taking money from the homeowners, telling them lies knowing not everyone knows what is going on. Linda will set the record straight in the next newsletter, but this is just another example of how this board is taking money under false pretenses which to me is nothing more than fraud. All the while JJ is mouthing off his lies, Dick Stone (incompetent board member) is pointing his finger at Linda as if he were a total retard. Maybe he was drunk because those actions are certainly not those of a man who would know how to conduct himself at a board meeting.
I couldn't make it to this meeting, but Linda has it on tape. These idiots don't know how close they are to getting themselves into real trouble with the law.
Can you imagine these board members appointed themselves as the election committee??!! They think because they aren't running for the board, they can elect themselves. I don't trust anything they do so I'm certainly not going to trust them counting votes behind closed door without someone overseeing what they are doing. Though Judy White is no longer with LeLand Management, there is still the issue of Richard Murphy, from LeLand Management being involved. Another waste of a CAM.
I wouldn’t put it pass him to turn a blind eye like Judy at the last election.
As soon as I get more info, I will post it.
Most of you have heard the phrase about someone having their head up someone's ass and for whatever reason that quote came to mind with JJ and Mark. I kept thinking though, it needed a good finish. Then it hit me...
"JJ has his head so far up Mark's ass that when Mark looks in the mirror he sees JJ's face''...So, there you have it
I couldn't make it to this meeting, but Linda has it on tape. These idiots don't know how close they are to getting themselves into real trouble with the law.
Can you imagine these board members appointed themselves as the election committee??!! They think because they aren't running for the board, they can elect themselves. I don't trust anything they do so I'm certainly not going to trust them counting votes behind closed door without someone overseeing what they are doing. Though Judy White is no longer with LeLand Management, there is still the issue of Richard Murphy, from LeLand Management being involved. Another waste of a CAM.
I wouldn’t put it pass him to turn a blind eye like Judy at the last election.
As soon as I get more info, I will post it.
Most of you have heard the phrase about someone having their head up someone's ass and for whatever reason that quote came to mind with JJ and Mark. I kept thinking though, it needed a good finish. Then it hit me...
"JJ has his head so far up Mark's ass that when Mark looks in the mirror he sees JJ's face''...So, there you have it
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What a twerp
Definition according to Answers.Com: twerp-A person regarded as insignificant and contemptible
That seems to fit our Mr. JJ Carpenter to a tee. Now, you are wondering what brought on this latest word recognition; please read the following.
I have permission from Linda Perry to print an email she sent to JJ and the response she received. After you read these emails, I will then share my commentary.
JJ Carpenter, Dick Stone & Mark Taliento:
It is of great concern to us that we are unable to get the much needed kitchen supplies that we have asked for over the last few months. Two calls were made by me, Linda Perry, to JJ Carpenter (Friday 10/2 & Monday 10/5) telling him what was needed in the kitchen. No response came from him. A phone call was made to Dick Stone on Monday afternoon asking for the same items. Dick complied. But what he brought to the kitchen, in my opinion, was totally unacceptable being insufficient and unsanitary! It appears that the materials came from an unknown source/event and not in sanitary packaging, (a bag of plastic forks in a used plastic bag (unsanitary), plastic desert plates (about 40, with a TYSON logo on the bottom of the plates) insufficient amount. There are a number of us perfectly willing to shop for supplies (dish detergent, paper towels, desert plates, cups, coffee, creamer, condiments, etc) which would take the burden off those of you board members who work and don't have the time to do these things. Receipts would be provided for reimbursement for the person or persons doing the shopping. In the past, there was never a problem with the supplies in our kitchen, why is there a problem now??? If thousands of dollars can be spent on other items for the clubhouse, why not these items which are important items? I hope to get some sort of response from one or all of you.
Linda Perry
Member in Good Standing
Poinciana Village Nine Association, Inc.
This message would have been provided to all board members if their Email address had been available to us homeowners.
JJ's response
Yes you called me Friday, then Monday. That was only a weekend. I contacted Dick Monday and he took the needed supplies. Sorry if they don't meet your standards, but does anything we do meet your standards? You look for bad in everything we do, so frankly, coming from you I only expect the worst.
This board represents and looks out for the 279 people that pay the bills around here. We only get complaints from about 6 of them. I'd say we are doing a pretty good job despite the lies and constant duress "some people" try to keep us under.
I heard there was a time when the kitchen was supplied totally on donations from residents. The residents that used the supplies gladly helped supply them. Perhaps what was old should be new again :)
Dick and Vickie did a great job for years keeping the clubhouse stocked and efficient. I'll pass your requests on to them and I'm confident things will be acceptable, but likely insufficient in your eyes.
p.s. Please do not purchase anything unless you plan to donate it.
phone: 407-301-0925
Such arrogance and from a president of the HOA. Monday night is bingo night at the clubhouse. This is open to all residents in the community and something that should be in the budget for activities. How pathetic is it when you have to beg for supplies to keep a community function running? I saw the bag of forks and I would not use a single one since I don’t know where they have been. Linda has every right to question the cleanliness of these since as far as we know, they could have been lying in filth in Dick Stone’s house. As for the 4 inch paper plates, I’m not sure where they were stolen from since obviously they were used by Tyson as a promotion for their product; maybe, a local taste test at some flea market stand. The question is who knows. When asking for supplies, one would only assume it would be new, clean and unused.
JJ’s attitude in his response only proves what an idiot he is. I wonder what his Christian congregation would think if they saw the REAL JJ in action. As far as him not getting complaints it's because not too many people want to bother with him. You don’t get over 100 signatures to out him as President from people that don’t care who is sitting in his position. Wake up JJ, people just don’t like you and your response to Linda is proof why.
Poor JJ can’t stay focused with his own ignorant thoughts. First he mentions about the supplies being donated (I’ve lived in Broadmoor 19 years and don’t remember that ever happening), but then he goes on to say what a great job Dick and Vickie did keeping the kitchen stocked and efficient. Now, if that were the case, why then when members are asking for supplies it is now being done in such a manner that one can only consider it less than acceptable? Could it be that the board (Dick is on the board) is purposely not giving Linda what she is requesting? Are they playing a game with her thinking she will get discouraged and back away? JJ, who is the one with lies and duress ‘keeping us under’?
Contrary to what JJ believes in that pea brain of his, Linda is not looking for fault, the board is just giving her less than expected. How they have been treating Linda is the same for any community member who questions, disagrees or has concerns with the board members.
JJ lives in a fantasy world. A world where he and the board members actually believe they care for the members of the community.
Hide your head in shame, JJ. You are not smart enough or intelligent enough to hold the position of President. Be a real man just once and accept the fact you are a loser. And next time you ask your God for guidance, listen to him and not the voices in your head. Those voices are getting you in trouble.
That seems to fit our Mr. JJ Carpenter to a tee. Now, you are wondering what brought on this latest word recognition; please read the following.
I have permission from Linda Perry to print an email she sent to JJ and the response she received. After you read these emails, I will then share my commentary.
JJ Carpenter, Dick Stone & Mark Taliento:
It is of great concern to us that we are unable to get the much needed kitchen supplies that we have asked for over the last few months. Two calls were made by me, Linda Perry, to JJ Carpenter (Friday 10/2 & Monday 10/5) telling him what was needed in the kitchen. No response came from him. A phone call was made to Dick Stone on Monday afternoon asking for the same items. Dick complied. But what he brought to the kitchen, in my opinion, was totally unacceptable being insufficient and unsanitary! It appears that the materials came from an unknown source/event and not in sanitary packaging, (a bag of plastic forks in a used plastic bag (unsanitary), plastic desert plates (about 40, with a TYSON logo on the bottom of the plates) insufficient amount. There are a number of us perfectly willing to shop for supplies (dish detergent, paper towels, desert plates, cups, coffee, creamer, condiments, etc) which would take the burden off those of you board members who work and don't have the time to do these things. Receipts would be provided for reimbursement for the person or persons doing the shopping. In the past, there was never a problem with the supplies in our kitchen, why is there a problem now??? If thousands of dollars can be spent on other items for the clubhouse, why not these items which are important items? I hope to get some sort of response from one or all of you.
Linda Perry
Member in Good Standing
Poinciana Village Nine Association, Inc.
This message would have been provided to all board members if their Email address had been available to us homeowners.
JJ's response
Yes you called me Friday, then Monday. That was only a weekend. I contacted Dick Monday and he took the needed supplies. Sorry if they don't meet your standards, but does anything we do meet your standards? You look for bad in everything we do, so frankly, coming from you I only expect the worst.
This board represents and looks out for the 279 people that pay the bills around here. We only get complaints from about 6 of them. I'd say we are doing a pretty good job despite the lies and constant duress "some people" try to keep us under.
I heard there was a time when the kitchen was supplied totally on donations from residents. The residents that used the supplies gladly helped supply them. Perhaps what was old should be new again :)
Dick and Vickie did a great job for years keeping the clubhouse stocked and efficient. I'll pass your requests on to them and I'm confident things will be acceptable, but likely insufficient in your eyes.
p.s. Please do not purchase anything unless you plan to donate it.
phone: 407-301-0925
Such arrogance and from a president of the HOA. Monday night is bingo night at the clubhouse. This is open to all residents in the community and something that should be in the budget for activities. How pathetic is it when you have to beg for supplies to keep a community function running? I saw the bag of forks and I would not use a single one since I don’t know where they have been. Linda has every right to question the cleanliness of these since as far as we know, they could have been lying in filth in Dick Stone’s house. As for the 4 inch paper plates, I’m not sure where they were stolen from since obviously they were used by Tyson as a promotion for their product; maybe, a local taste test at some flea market stand. The question is who knows. When asking for supplies, one would only assume it would be new, clean and unused.
JJ’s attitude in his response only proves what an idiot he is. I wonder what his Christian congregation would think if they saw the REAL JJ in action. As far as him not getting complaints it's because not too many people want to bother with him. You don’t get over 100 signatures to out him as President from people that don’t care who is sitting in his position. Wake up JJ, people just don’t like you and your response to Linda is proof why.
Poor JJ can’t stay focused with his own ignorant thoughts. First he mentions about the supplies being donated (I’ve lived in Broadmoor 19 years and don’t remember that ever happening), but then he goes on to say what a great job Dick and Vickie did keeping the kitchen stocked and efficient. Now, if that were the case, why then when members are asking for supplies it is now being done in such a manner that one can only consider it less than acceptable? Could it be that the board (Dick is on the board) is purposely not giving Linda what she is requesting? Are they playing a game with her thinking she will get discouraged and back away? JJ, who is the one with lies and duress ‘keeping us under’?
Contrary to what JJ believes in that pea brain of his, Linda is not looking for fault, the board is just giving her less than expected. How they have been treating Linda is the same for any community member who questions, disagrees or has concerns with the board members.
JJ lives in a fantasy world. A world where he and the board members actually believe they care for the members of the community.
Hide your head in shame, JJ. You are not smart enough or intelligent enough to hold the position of President. Be a real man just once and accept the fact you are a loser. And next time you ask your God for guidance, listen to him and not the voices in your head. Those voices are getting you in trouble.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Too funny....
to not post this....
I deal with facts...I don't think it
Too bad some people 'think' their own facts
Friday, September 18, 2009
No scruples!!!
The recall petition continues and those of us on the recall committee have been honest and upfront with this quest, I can't say the same for our board members and attorney. Nothing like manipulating the facts to make a point...the cheaters way of doing things; hardly Christian like to me.
After reviewing the papers that Mr DeHart sent to Department of Business and Professional Regulations, I must say whatever DeHart wants, he gets..Sadly, it's done with the seal and zest of someone determined to get his way regardless of how much manipulating it takes.
Ms Shirley J. Whitsitt, Arbitrator, requested more info from the Petitioner (Poinciana Village Nine) because Mr. DeHart was unable to do his job correctly the first time. What he sent was vague, incomplete and only makes it questionable as to why since he is suppose to be the legal expert. Guess the added fees our association has to pay doesn't bother our incompetent board members. Then again, he may have been hoping that Ms Whitsitt wouldn't do her job competently and not ask for added information to clarify what DeHart had sent her.
Ms Whitsitt wanted to know who 'Mark' was. Yep, one of those 'let's skim over who he is' by the attorney. Well, now she wants to know and do you think DeHart could be honest with his answer? No. He referred to Mark Taliento 'is the representative of Showcase Mobile Homes Sales, Inc.' Gee, funny how one can interpreter that. Actually, Mark is the OWNER. Hmmm..wonder why DeHart had to use so many words and not use the ONE that would describe who Mark is.
Another interesting tid-bid of misinformation is who Mark purchased the lots from. According to DeHart, Mark bought these 101 lots from 'THE ORIGINAL OWNER'...wrong!!!..The original owner was Avatar. They are the ones who plated out phase 1 and phase 2. Mark purchased his lots from Schoolfield who bought from Avatar. Why was it necessary to lie about that?
When Mr DeHart makes reference to Poinciana Village Nine Documents, it talks about voting interest and to him that means those lots that Mark owns. Therefore, we did not have enough signatures. What Mr DeHart is hoping is that us common folks or Ms Whitsitt is not familiar with State Statute 720.307 (1) (b) in regards to transition from developer (Avatar) to members:
720.307 Transition of association control in a community.--With respect to homeowners' associations:
(1) Members other than the developer are entitled to elect at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the homeowners' association when the earlier of the following events occurs:
(a) Three months after 90 percent of the parcels in all phases of the community that will ultimately be operated by the homeowners' association have been conveyed to members; or
(b) Such other percentage of the parcels has been conveyed to members, or such other date or event has occurred, as is set forth in the governing documents in order to comply with the requirements of any governmentally chartered entity with regard to the mortgage financing of parcels.
For purposes of this section, the term "members other than the developer" shall not include builders, contractors, or others who purchase a parcel for the purpose of constructing improvements thereon for resale.
We have gone through the transition with Avatar and Mark is not THE developer. DeHart is twisting what's in our documents (voting interests) while excluding state statute. Pretty devious if you ask me.
Stay tuned..more to follow....
After reviewing the papers that Mr DeHart sent to Department of Business and Professional Regulations, I must say whatever DeHart wants, he gets..Sadly, it's done with the seal and zest of someone determined to get his way regardless of how much manipulating it takes.
Ms Shirley J. Whitsitt, Arbitrator, requested more info from the Petitioner (Poinciana Village Nine) because Mr. DeHart was unable to do his job correctly the first time. What he sent was vague, incomplete and only makes it questionable as to why since he is suppose to be the legal expert. Guess the added fees our association has to pay doesn't bother our incompetent board members. Then again, he may have been hoping that Ms Whitsitt wouldn't do her job competently and not ask for added information to clarify what DeHart had sent her.
Ms Whitsitt wanted to know who 'Mark' was. Yep, one of those 'let's skim over who he is' by the attorney. Well, now she wants to know and do you think DeHart could be honest with his answer? No. He referred to Mark Taliento 'is the representative of Showcase Mobile Homes Sales, Inc.' Gee, funny how one can interpreter that. Actually, Mark is the OWNER. Hmmm..wonder why DeHart had to use so many words and not use the ONE that would describe who Mark is.
Another interesting tid-bid of misinformation is who Mark purchased the lots from. According to DeHart, Mark bought these 101 lots from 'THE ORIGINAL OWNER'...wrong!!!..The original owner was Avatar. They are the ones who plated out phase 1 and phase 2. Mark purchased his lots from Schoolfield who bought from Avatar. Why was it necessary to lie about that?
When Mr DeHart makes reference to Poinciana Village Nine Documents, it talks about voting interest and to him that means those lots that Mark owns. Therefore, we did not have enough signatures. What Mr DeHart is hoping is that us common folks or Ms Whitsitt is not familiar with State Statute 720.307 (1) (b) in regards to transition from developer (Avatar) to members:
720.307 Transition of association control in a community.--With respect to homeowners' associations:
(1) Members other than the developer are entitled to elect at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the homeowners' association when the earlier of the following events occurs:
(a) Three months after 90 percent of the parcels in all phases of the community that will ultimately be operated by the homeowners' association have been conveyed to members; or
(b) Such other percentage of the parcels has been conveyed to members, or such other date or event has occurred, as is set forth in the governing documents in order to comply with the requirements of any governmentally chartered entity with regard to the mortgage financing of parcels.
For purposes of this section, the term "members other than the developer" shall not include builders, contractors, or others who purchase a parcel for the purpose of constructing improvements thereon for resale.
We have gone through the transition with Avatar and Mark is not THE developer. DeHart is twisting what's in our documents (voting interests) while excluding state statute. Pretty devious if you ask me.
Stay tuned..more to follow....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Email from JJ Carpenter
FYI, you may want to contact residents on McDaniel and Downing as well about my "drive bys"
I usually take different roads on different days on my way to and from work (and at lunch breaks). As a board member I actually try and keep an eye on the community, one way is driving down different roads.. Sorry if being a concerned board member causes you paranoia. I hope the next board decides to tour their community from time to time as well.
Now that you know why Einwood is on my route, let's see if you post "the truth" on your blog.
Ok, sounds to me like someone is trying to make excuses again. I don't know about you, but I'll be damn if I'm going to spend my lunch time (away from my job) to ride around the neighborhood. And besides, if it were just a 'drive-by', why the curiosity about what was going on at Linda's house? This from someone who is NOT a social friend showing concern for Linda's well being.
May I suggest, JJ, that one of your 'drive-bys' is a stop at the community clubhouse to see the damage that is being done. If you did THAT on a daily basis, you would know from the electronic key entry who was there at that particular time and just maybe, do something about the damage.
As for the 'next' board member doing a drive by, believe me, it will not be to harass the residents, nor will it be just because a board member thinks they are that special they can do what they want when they want. I for one drive around the neighborhood to see if everything is ok, but it saddens me to drive around JJ's neighborhood and see the mess because Mark Taliento chose NOT to follow the original design of Broadmoor.
So, you want truths, JJ..that is all I print.
FYI, you may want to contact residents on McDaniel and Downing as well about my "drive bys"
I usually take different roads on different days on my way to and from work (and at lunch breaks). As a board member I actually try and keep an eye on the community, one way is driving down different roads.. Sorry if being a concerned board member causes you paranoia. I hope the next board decides to tour their community from time to time as well.
Now that you know why Einwood is on my route, let's see if you post "the truth" on your blog.
Ok, sounds to me like someone is trying to make excuses again. I don't know about you, but I'll be damn if I'm going to spend my lunch time (away from my job) to ride around the neighborhood. And besides, if it were just a 'drive-by', why the curiosity about what was going on at Linda's house? This from someone who is NOT a social friend showing concern for Linda's well being.
May I suggest, JJ, that one of your 'drive-bys' is a stop at the community clubhouse to see the damage that is being done. If you did THAT on a daily basis, you would know from the electronic key entry who was there at that particular time and just maybe, do something about the damage.
As for the 'next' board member doing a drive by, believe me, it will not be to harass the residents, nor will it be just because a board member thinks they are that special they can do what they want when they want. I for one drive around the neighborhood to see if everything is ok, but it saddens me to drive around JJ's neighborhood and see the mess because Mark Taliento chose NOT to follow the original design of Broadmoor.
So, you want truths, JJ..that is all I print.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How Pathetic
What can you say about an HOA President who takes time to leave his job so he can ride past a community member's house? That's just what happened yesterday. JJ Carpenter must have skipped out of work from Home Depot (maybe it was his lunch time), to ride past Linda Perry's house to see if he can tell why there were so many cars parked there. As we all sat around her dining room table, we could see JJ ride by in his van and we certainly had a good laugh. Then, he must have made a U-turn, because there he was again riding right by trying to figure out what was going on. I wonder who called him to give him the heads up that there was a 'gathering' at Linda's house? We knew he would try to find out what the gathering was all about, but personally, I find it totally unacceptable that one can not have a gathering at her own home without someone (like JJ) spying and invading one's privacy. As we suspected, he had seen one of the husbands (whose wife was at Linda's house) walking through Home Depot and approached him wanting to know what was going on!...Do you believe the nerve of that guy? No scruples, no decency, so unChristian (yeah, remember he has his 'ministry'. The answer the husband gave as instructed, was 'it was a birthday party'. So, JJ if you are reading this, whenever you see a 'gathering' it will be a 'birthday party'. When you get the knock on the door from channel 6, you can tell them all you know is that there was a 'birthday party'.
How worried must someone be to get so invasive into one's privacy? At what point does JJ realize what he is doing is borderline harassment and stalking and may be cause for serious concern? His behavior certainly raises eyebrows and maybe this should be brought to the attention of the Sheriff's office. We are suppose to report to the Sheriff's office if we are concerned with people driving around the neighborhood acting like they are up to no good. Well, that fits what JJ did so I guess the Sheriff should be called.
How worried must someone be to get so invasive into one's privacy? At what point does JJ realize what he is doing is borderline harassment and stalking and may be cause for serious concern? His behavior certainly raises eyebrows and maybe this should be brought to the attention of the Sheriff's office. We are suppose to report to the Sheriff's office if we are concerned with people driving around the neighborhood acting like they are up to no good. Well, that fits what JJ did so I guess the Sheriff should be called.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
February Minutes-Keys

JJ Carpenter has decided to take it upon himself to confuse everyone with the February minutes by saying 'well, it's not clear, but we meant only one key'. Sorry JJ, but it must really suck when you are proven wrong and all the lying and double talking will not get you out of it.
What I have posted is a screen shot from my computer after visiting JJ's 'official' Broadmoor site. If you look at the address bar, you will see his address along with the date. He can not talk his way out of this one by saying someone deliberately changed the minutes. Here is your proof that President JJ was once again caught up in his own confusion of the facts.
Please note that in reference to keys it states that Mark Taliento made a motion to limit the key cards to 2 per household any replacement would cost $25.00. Dick Stone second and all agreed.
So what is it the JJ doesn't understand? Why did he collect $25.00 from one resident for a 2nd key? Why is there no answer when asked where did the collected money go?
How can anyone who is that ignorant and hostile be president of an HOA? For someone who says he cares for our community, he sure isn't working for the members who live here.
I hardly think saying 'sue me' when asked about the 2nd key is appropriate or mature. Sadly, we have a confused child, in a man's body, who can not conduct himself to the standards that one expects from an HOA President.
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